Thursday, March 25, 2010

The "Mini" Mid-Life

"So what if you're having a mini-midlife? It could be worse..."

Says Josh Skoglund, one of my best friends and probably the most level-headed, down-to-earth, and intelligent guys I know. We were jogging around the pond at Hill Air Force base after working out and discussing our upcoming survival weekend.

I had been talking Josh's ear off about my reasons for wanting to take the trip. It was a lot of whining about my office job and realizing that my 10-year high school reunion was coming up and how the decade had taken me from a lean, tan, Jeep-driving adrenaline junkie to a pudgy and pale office drone who commutes in a Civic.

The remedy? Three days and two nights of building shelters, hunting, snaring, fishing, friction-fire-starting and all around manliness. The destination - Porcupine Reservoir (pictured above), just outside of Avon, Utah.

We leave tomorrow at noon to give us time to cut firewood and build shelters. It's only supposed to be about 20 degrees at night, so we will set up tents with sleeping bags in case our pine bough beds and shelters get the better of us in the cold.

(Insert Tim Allen Home Improvement grunt here.)

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