Friday, September 10, 2010

Please just don't do it any faster than you have to.

I mean, I know that Emma already started school a couple of weeks ago. I get that. But today was the first time I actually drove her to the elementary and dropped her off.

I'm not going to lie. Seeing her run down the sidewalk in the new school shoes we picked out together, her Tinkerbell backpack too big for her and bouncing as she ran - it fucked with my head a little bit. Normally I try to avoid such language in this blog, and if it offends you, I apologize. But this time there really isn't any better way for me to describe it.

Watching my little Emma, my first baby, the one they say looks so much like me... watching her walk into that building, grinning and waving at me as she went, it was like the process of losing her had officially started.

I know there are plenty of you who will say that she will always be my daughter. After all, the, "Daddy, I'll always be your little girl," line is one of the most cliche in the movie industry. But, the truth is that starting now she is steadily going to want more time with friends/activities/boyfriends and away from home. I hope she will always want to come back, and I know there are many years ahead of us. But the countdown has begun. From here on out the percentage of her time she wants to spend with me will be on a constant decline.

I know that is the way it is supposed to be, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I understand that she has to grow up, and I want her to. I just want her to do it as slowly as possible.

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