Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Marry me, Juliette

I could think of plenty of worse role models for my daughters. They are HUGE fans of Taylor Swift. In fact, they put on concerts for us all the time. They crank up the CD player in their room and dance around in their "princess" dresses. They bring in the instruments from the Wii Rockband game and "play" along.

Oh, and don't let me forget the singing. I would have expected to hear little girls singing along with their favorite band by the time they reach age 10, maybe 8, but I doubt there are many things cuter than seeing a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old with play microphones, just belting it. (Watch your back, sneezing baby panda.)

Taylor Swift is playing in our house and car SO much, that I have experienced a recurring song-in-my-head-isode every morning for weeks. Through my grainy, sleep-deprived eyes I wander through the house getting ready for work, brushing my teeth, and always thinking or humming, "Marry me, Juliette..."

And, compared to the Barney years, this is just delightful.


  1. Haha, I know just what you mean, and I agree.

    I bet your girls are just darling, dancing and singing around the house. What sweet and fun ages.

  2. OH! I love you sweet sweet daddy of my children! :) You(and they) are so cute!
